
07957 297 432


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Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which sterile ultra-fine needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points throughout the body. This helps a persons energy (qi) to flow well helping the body to restore balance and promote good physical and mental health.

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Reduction of corns and callus
Individual footcare advice
Vascular and neurological assessment, diabetic foot assessment.

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Cupping Therapy

Cupping is a therapy used to help remove stagnation and stimulate the flow of qi (energy) and blood to the area where the cups are placed. This helps ease muscle tension and stiffness with the aim of reducing pain.

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I set up Shen acupuncture & podiatry after graduating from the Acupuncture foundation of Ireland after 3 years of part-time study. I have been a podiatrist working in the NHS and private practice since 1996. I have continuously studied throughout this time having gained an MSc in podiatry in 2010. Within the NHS I have worked many years specialising in diabetes and the high risk foot.

My interest in complementary therapies has always been with me and I have tried quite a few myself over the years. I was introduced to acupuncture over 30 years ago and have had acupuncture treatments for a number of issues and health challenges since that time. I use a holistic approach to treatment whether podiatry or acupuncture, integrating my East / West training and experience.

It is more important than ever that we do what we can to support and improve our health whether that is looking after our feet to help keep us mobile or acupuncture to help restore the body to balance when dealing with issues such as stress or pain.